Sometimes marketers would get to thinking that a prospect’s decision to perform an action – say, make a purchase or subscribe to a newsletter – solely depends on that person. The notion is that marketers could only go as far as presenting options and information to prospects, and the rest is up to them.
On the contrary, there are things B2B marketers could do to help increase their chances in converting ordinary prospects into sales leads. The very core of lead generation is in the ability to persuade people to commit to something, and this mission entails deep understanding and methodical approaches.
Vann Morris, Director of Buying Behavior Studies with MLT Creative, shares a post at on what 4 controlled steps marketers need to take in order to boost B2B sales conversions. She calls it B2B Marketing Science:
Step 1: B2B Buyer Persona
Sure we all want a free iPad, but that may not be the thing that will persuade your prospects to convert to a lead on your website. You have to know what their pain points are, what their needs are, what can help them, etc., and buyer persona interviews are the key to finding all those things. So before you do anything, you simply must develop your buyer personas.
Step 2: Use That Info Immediately
Once you develop your b2b buyer persona, immediately begin using those buyer personas to guide your CTAs and other marketing promotion. You must keep the momentum going – do not put them down, or like so many others before you they will simply end up on a shelf.
Step 3: Keep it Simple
Research shows that when people receive multiple persuasive attempts at once – sometimes as little as 2! – it can significantly lower their chance of conversion. So know what they want to hear, and say it in a persuasive manner – but only say it using one persuasive method.
Step 4: Use Emotion
We all like to think of ourselves as rational human beings, but research has found that the majority of our decision-making is subconscious and emotional. So when you are strategizing how to persuade them, consider using an emotional appeal in order to reach the most salient factor that could affect their conversion. (And again – you will find out what could appeal to their emotions through your buyer persona interviews.)
Read the entire post at MLT Creative