What the Great Singapore Sale’s Turnaround Can Teach B2B Marketers
Find out how the Great Singapore Sale leveraged digital channels to rekindle shoppers’ interest and learn how to apply these lessons to your own B2B marketing initiatives.
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b2b marketing
Find out how the Great Singapore Sale leveraged digital channels to rekindle shoppers’ interest and learn how to apply these lessons to your own B2B marketing initiatives.
In Singapore where there has always been strong competition in the IT, software and financial services sectors, it does pay to adopt the right processes and transforming plans into applicable strategies. To do that, you will have to learn from the experiences of veteran marketing firms in the island-nation.
What this means is that higher traffic numbers can lead to higher sales numbers, so it becomes a priority for B2B brands to go the extra mile in terms of implementing a lead generation strategy. This is exactly where Google’s AdWords fits in.
The most important thing in business? Knowing your market. It is not enough that you know what they want but also how to tick their interest.
he most important thing in B2B Marketing? Honesty. What you say is important, but what really matters is you deliver.
Today, the landscape of B2B market is in constant state of flux, making it crucial to keep track on the significant shifts of trends every day. But merely identifying these trends isn’t enough; marketers should identify which will give opportunity or threat to the business. And eventually find ways to maximize the opportunities and neutralize the […]
One of the many things modern business owners can be thankful of is accessibility to data. Countless analytics tools – both paid and free – are readily available for marketers who wish to determine the success of their businesses. In the old days, managers and executives needed to scrimmage against piles of papers and charts […]
For potential and existing customers to support your brand, you need to establish a solid branding mechanism that allows for a harmonious relationship between your business and the people it aims to serve. In the IT products and services industry, the challenge is greater; certain traits need to be mastered before momentum can be gained, […]