
What the Great Singapore Sale’s Turnaround Can Teach B2B Marketers

What the Great Singapore Sale’s Turnaround Can Teach B2B Marketers

In 2017, the annual Great Singapore Sale (GSS) snapped out of a three-year slump as retail revenues slightly picked up during the June-August period. Billed as a success, last year’s GSS owed much of its strong performance to digital channels playing a more crucial role in creating buzz and engagement for the months-long event.

There’s, of course, more to this improvement than the surprising uptick in retail sales. The 2017 Great Singapore Sale shows us how the right use of digital marketing strategies can make or break results, and the lessons go beyond the B2C space. The shopping event also provides plenty of key learning points for B2B marketers to take to heart. That’s what we’ll dive into in this post.

Why should B2B folks pay attention to B2C retail?

First, let’s take a closer look at the case for providing a B2C-like buying journey to a B2B audience. The consumerization of the B2B buying experience means that business buyers now behave a lot like retail shoppers at important points along their paths to purchase.

Much of this shift boils down to the changing B2B buyer profile which, according to Think With Google, is evident in the following trends:

  • B2B buyers are getting younger (Nearly half of B2B researchers are 18-34 years old).
  • Purchase decisions are becoming more decentralized (81% of non-C-suite employees influence B2B purchases, while 24% of non-C-suiters have the final say).
  • B2B researchers rely on traditionally B2C-oriented tools throughout the purchase process (90% use search engines; 42% use a mobile device; 70% watch videos throughout their buying journey).

As a result, writes Brian Gladstein, B2B buyers now resemble consumers in terms of how they go about with their purchases (even for complex products/services):

  • They talk to peers.
  • They look for unbiased recommendations.
  • They connect with people in the same situation as they’re in.
  • They first get a feel for a vendor.
  • They try before they buy.
  • They can turn into your biggest fan or your worst critic.

Related: How Coke Beats Pepsi: Top-Of-Mind-Awareness in Marketing

What can B2B marketers learn from the GSS?

The GSS turnaround story holds some valuable lessons for B2B marketers to better adapt to the changing buyer landscape. That’s because the shopping event was able to finally put together a digital strategy (something that it didn’t previously have) that helped it reverse years of subpar performance.

During its heyday, before the advent of digital ecommerce, the Great Singapore Sale attracted scores of domestic and foreign consumers as local stores, malls, and hotels offered steep discounts and deals, making the event the highlight of Singapore’s shopping season.

But with the rise of online retail, the (mainly) brick-and-mortar shopping event struggled to maintain a healthy pace of sales growth. In 2016, the GSS recorded its third consecutive year of sales declines, leaving many industry watchers to call the shopping event’s future into question.

In response, the event’s organizer, the Singapore Retailers Association (SRA), promptly refined their digital strategy and rolled out a number of digital marketing initiatives (including the GoSpree app) to promote the 2017 GSS.

The new strategy saw very promising results. Retail sales during the nine-week period (from June to August) rose by 4.1% compared to the same period in 2016, and was the biggest recorded increase since 2012.

The SRA credited much of last year’s GSS success to the GoSpree app, which recorded more than 34,000 downloads and showcased exclusive deals from over 200 participating brands. The app essentially remade the GSS and drove a huge chunk of shopper traffic into physical stores.

Here’s a few lessons to pick up from the GSS’s turnaround:

1. Sell the way your customers buy

With 60% of consumers making at least one online purchase each month, Singapore currently has the highest online spending per capita in Southeast Asia. It’s clear that this trend played a huge role in the GSS’s decline, since the shopping event mainly includes brick-and-mortar stores.

But with its new digital focus, the GSS is clearly taking a step in the right direction, embracing tools that enable (instead of competing with) the way its target audience actually makes their purchase.

Related: 5 Hyperlocal Marketing Tips for Singaporean Businesses

2. Invest in the customer experience

Here’s some useful advice according to Gartner. As digitally-savvy customers continue making smarter buying choices through self-guided research and peer recommendations, the challenge for marketers now shifts toward capturing a longer section of the purchase process (for both B2B and B2C customers). This means making the buying experience as smooth and consistent as possible.

That’s exactly what the new GSS digital marketing initiative set out to accomplish with the GoSpree app. The app is the digital hub for all GSS-related offers, deals, attractions, etc., making the entire shopping event available to customers on a single platform.

Related: B2B Marketers’ Love-Hate Relationship With Marketing Technology

3. Always be connecting (ABC)

Another important reason why the GSS encountered a prolonged sales slump was the event’s late adoption of a GSS-focused mobile platform. It was only last year that the GSS finally established a visible mobile presence with its GoSpree app.

Reaching out and engaging your target customers in different channels help ensure that you connect with your audience where they are. This is especially true in today’s buying landscape where potential customers interact with a vendor via 6 different channels on average.

Related: Ways to Optimize Your Marketing List For Your Multi-Channel Campaigns

Conclusion:  At the time of writing, the Great Singapore Sale 2018 is in full swing, and it’s easy to see that the shopping event has learned from its experience and expanded on its lessons. Now that business customers start to look like consumers, B2B marketers need to take some cues from their B2C counterparts.

With 14+ years of experience helping Singapore companies exceed their revenue and growth targets, Callbox knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to sales lead generation and booking qualified sales meetings. Talk to us today and find out how we can apply these valuable lessons to your current marketing initiatives.

Top Lessons from Singapore’s Top Marketing Firms in Tech

Lessons from Singapore’s Top Marketing Firms in Tech

B2B marketing is all about creating opportunities, but a lot of times, it is about investing in relationships with your client base. Lead generation is just one vital step to getting people to purchase a product or service, so a lot of effort and resources has to be involved in guiding them towards making a decision that could impact the bottom line.

It’s a complex process, to begin with, but we can all agree on the fact that established brands have gone through all the complexities before making it on top. For sure, there are things that they did right which enabled them to improve their message and widen their reach.

In Singapore where there has always been strong competition in the IT, software and financial services sectors, it does pay to adopt the right processes and transforming plans into applicable strategies. To do that, you will have to learn from the experiences of veteran marketing firms in the island-nation.

Related: 150+ B2B Tech Marketing Stats to Help You Plan for 2018 [Free eBook]

Carbon Interactive

Build brands, not just websites

Any B2B marketer worth his salt knows that content is still king and that a little extra effort in the way content is made makes all the difference.

For Carbon Interactive, a website already counts as content and it is vital to underscore quality work. From the way the banner is structured to its overall functionality, a website basically achieves the brand-building efforts of any company. Carbon is able to take this principle to heart in tandem with clients from various industries such as defense, entertainment, education and, of course, technology.

For Carbon, creativity is everything, but more than that, having a clear creative plan to outline a company’s strengths can do wonders for a brand’s reputation and desirability. It all boils down to creating an identity that tugs at the heartstrings of one’s target audience.

Related: The Anatomy of an Effective Landing Page for APAC Businesses [INFOGRAPHIC]


Create a culture of collaboration

In the modern workplace, communication is undoubtedly vital to progress. Each member of a team and each department in the organization should strive to understand each other’s needs and work towards satisfying these needs in the long run.

This is one area where iFoundries excels in. By fostering a collaborative work environment for its employees, the firm is able to deliver quality outputs to its clients based on the values of positive relationships, passion, and a drive for self-improvement. By allowing communication to stay open, the firm is able to generate fresh ideas on addressing the concerns of its clients’  audiences.

With these values in mind, no wonder the teams of iFoundries were as able to nurture a loyal client base which includes large brands such as Wacom, Canon and Certis CISCO.

The opportunities for expanding the learning experiences of employees are something that companies need to outline if they need to strengthen their brands and gain better results in their marketing efforts.

Related: How to Lose Singaporean Employees in 10 Ways


Innovate and motivate

Storytelling is not just writing a dozen blogs a week in an effort to get as much traffic as possible. It’s all about the STORY and how it can relate your clients’ concerns about your product or service.

With a scalable marketing platform and several other nifty tools, Singapore-based marketing firm Nugit has continuously provided its clients with a product that allows them to improve the way they drive information and enhance their brands. Using data to tell stories is vital, and Nugit’s storytelling platforms came just in time when brands in the tech industry are vying to dominate their target markets. Creating stories based on relevant information and making it accessible to everybody can motivate potential clients to engage.

In this age where accuracy and authenticity define success, it is always important to find new ways of doing things and urging clients to take action by bridging analytical gaps and fostering a more collaborative drive towards effective information.

Related: 5 Chinese New Year’s Resolutions to Refine Your Marketing Analytics Stack [INFOGRAPHIC]

What these marketing firms show is the possibility of enhancing a message and getting people to engage across the board. But more than that, they also outline a crucial need to meet clients’ expectations and creating experiences that work out for the best in the long run.

Besides, a great deal of digital marketing involves understanding what your clients want and knowing how best to address vital concerns and impact the way their companies grow.

B2B Marketing AdWords

How to Maximize AdWords For Your B2B Marketing Strategy

B2B marketers always aim for higher traffic, and it’s quite easy to guess why. By attracting more visitors to their websites, businesses can gain a plethora of opportunities. This is because the increase in web traffic can result in higher sales, making it essential for B2B brands to invest in effective lead-generation strategies. Here is where Google’s AdWords comes into play.

Google Adwords, now known as Google Ads, is an advertising platform developed by Google that permits businesses to display their ads on the said site’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and other websites as long as they’re a part of the Google Ads network.

Using Google Ads to attract potential customers who are actively searching for products or services similar to what your business offers are a powerful way to generate high-quality traffic. It can also boost the number of your website visitors, receive more phone inquiries, and even heighten in-person visits to your physical location.

For sure, countless methods and tactics can help marketers achieve their goals. While adopting a social media campaign is a no-brainer, marketers will need to diversify their strategy by incorporating other tools and platforms that focus on other important approaches such as retargeting and strategic PPC schemes.

Google Ad Types

Google Ads may appear on all Google properties and its network of third-party websites. Here are the Google services you can place your ads on:

  • Google Search
  • Gmail
  • Google Maps
  • Google Shopping
  • YouTube
  • Google Discovery

Depending on the content style you’re producing, you have many options on what ad type to use for your campaign.

No doubt, we can count AdWords as among the most powerful implements a B2B brand should have in its arsenal. The benefits it brings to companies struggling with their marketing campaigns are just too important to ignore.

The Benefits of Adwords

  1. Increased Brand Awareness

    Advertising, traditionally, is done through billboards, newspapers, and radio and TV ads. These methods have brought favorable results for consumer products, but aren’t really budget-friendly and effective in communicating messages for B2B products.
    Google AdWords has revolutionized digital advertising by providing businesses with a highly targeted and effective way to reach potential customers. By allowing businesses to advertise to people who are actively searching for their products or services, Google AdWords has changed the advertising game and made it easier for businesses to connect with their target audience.
  2. Deliver faster results than SEO

    New websites and businesses may have to wait for several months to see the impact of their SEO efforts. Way back, this was called the Google sandbox effect. This was perceived as Google’s way of filtering out new websites from the search results. The real reason behind the delay in results, however, is the fierce competition as it takes time for a website to establish its credibility and gain recognition through links and authority.
    Google Ads is an excellent workaround for business since it eliminates the need to wait around for a long time before you can see the results. You can invest resources in a Google Ad campaign and start receiving clicks and impressions right away while working on your site’s SEO.
    Due to its speediness, it’s an efficient way to determine if a certain keyword or audience is worth pursuing using organic search.
  3. Targeting capacities

    Using targeted words in Google Search Ads is a potent way of reaching clients at the right moment when they’re looking for products and services. These keywords can come in different formats. You can either target precise queries that are more profitable for you, or you can use general ones that match a wider range of search items.
    To limit who sees your campaign, Google Ads offers content and audience targeting tools. Here are some specific targeting options to help you find the right audience:

    Demographics (Age, Gender, Parental Status, Household Income)
    Ad schedules

    Combining these targeting options with the best keywords can affect your profitability and reach.
  4. Offers flexibility in advertising

    You can choose specific actions with Google AdWords, such as:

    Get business inquiry calls (Call Now option)
    Drive traffic to your website (Shop Now, Visit Website options)
    Encourage users to download the app (Install Now, Download option)
    Display your brand (video or image ads)
    Compel website visitors to take action (lead generation)

    With Google AdWords, you can personalize your advertising in a variety of ways to meet your marketing goals.
  5. Reconnect with relevant leads through remarketing

    Any person who visits your website could become a customer, but not everyone will buy something on their first visit. With so many ads everywhere, people can forget about your brand after just one visit.

    One of the features that Google Ads provides is remarketing. This is a type of marketing that enables you to focus and re-engage with customers who have previously shown interest in your company or website but have not yet completed a purchase.

The Merits of AdWords

Writing for Forbes, John Rampton is able to underline the essential benefits that only AdWords can provide. One such benefit, according to Rampton, is that the service allows for a higher click-through rate compared with other online strategies such as SEO.

With that in mind, Google has been incessant in improving the service, giving B2B companies a potential window through which high-quality leads can enter. What’s more, it also comes useful in remarketing your products and offers to visitors who declined during the first engagement. AdWords locate them online and make sure that they are continually exposed to your message.

Another important reason is its value in targeted marketing. Accuracy is everything in the world of B2B and it becomes essential to create content that’s relevant to a certain demographic. In this case, the service allows for effective behavioral marketing. Companies can define their target audiences better and deliver content that pulls at their heartstrings.

The fact that it is “faster than SEO” in delivering results and that it is easier to track makes the platform that much more popular with both large and smaller companies. It’s only a matter of practice and using the right approach to be able to bring out the best that this nifty marketing tool has to offer.

Tips and Tricks

Know your goals

Just like any other B2B marketing strategy, using AdWords should start from square one – defining your goals. Before you can embark on using the service, you will need to identify what you want to achieve first.

This is vital as it allows you to create clearer approaches. If your main focus is to generate high-quality leads, then you might as well focus on keyword matching. And speaking of keywords…

Conduct keyword research

Ah, yes, keywords. The fuel that powers many a digital campaign and also a difficult resource to master. Google has become a lot stricter in regulating the number of online ads being promoted through its search pages. The situation has compelled marketers to take up keyword research more seriously.

Using a combination of broad and phrase matching can certainly get things going, but to be sure you’re on the right track, you will need to use the Keyword Planner to determine the best search queries and phrases to use in crafting your messages.

Use negative keywords

You can’t always expect the right user to click on your ad. More often than not, PPC campaigns can also generate a ton of unqualified traffic. You can effectively get around this issue through the use of negative matching. This works by simply telling Google to ignore certain keywords that would target the wrong people and by promoting your message to the right people.

Know your numbers

To know the extent of your successes, it’s always important to look at your numbers and see whether your campaign is delivering the expected results. For this reason, you need to make use of analytical tools that can aid you in planning future PPC campaigns. Accurate reporting can lead you in the right direction in your efforts to generate higher-quality B2B leads. 

By knowing which keywords to use and which to drop, you can improve your messaging and eventually improve your online traffic. More importantly, analyzing the successes of your campaign allows better control over ad spending, ensuring that your bottom line remains unscathed.

Stay proactive and engaged with your strategy!

One of the benefits of Google is that it offers fast and relevant feedback. So instead of sitting back and waiting every quarter with AdWords, utilize all your resources to remain competitive and track your performance weekly. Keep a watchful eye on your progress to see what’s working and what’s not. This is crucial in getting the most value out of your budget and making sure each click counts.

As much as Google AdWords can bring in favorable results for your B2B business,  you can amplify its benefits and your marketing strategy by partnering with a reputable B2B lead generation services provider like Callbox. 

thanksgiving sale cta

The primary objective of a marketing strategy is to persuade customers to purchase our products and services. However, if we restrict the options available to them, it becomes difficult to achieve success in selling our services.

Our team’s multi-touch, multi-channel marketing approach is a marketing strategy that uses a combination of different channels, namely Voice, Email, Web, Chat, Social Media, and Webinars, to reach out to potential clients and convert them into customers.

It also entails using a variety of touchpoints to establish relationships with prospects and encourage them to buy. Callbox aims to build a more comprehensive and efficient marketing campaign that magnifies the likelihood of generating leads and closing business by merging different channels and touchpoints.

You can avail of our services with flexible and tailored pricing according to your business needs (request for pricing).

With the right Google AdWords strategies and partnering with Callbox, you’re sure to generate more sales and stay ahead of the competition.

Book an appointment with us now!

Understand your Singapore Market by Dissecting It

Understand your Singapore Market by Dissecting It

We in the B2B marketing industry are fond of throwing around metaphors to describe how ferocious and contested it is to engage our target markets. But as executives in the IT services sector see their market as a battlefield of technical jargon and healthcare marketers see their arena as a merciless valley of risks, these metaphors are actually far from what their markets really are: as organisms.

Back in high school, our biology classes involved capturing an animal and dissecting it for the purpose of having a better look at its anatomical structure and its importance to the animal’s survival. Moral considerations aside (after all, we’re dealing with metaphors here), dissecting a frog enables us to understand not just the mechanisms that allow it to jump very long distances, but also its biological make up in relation to its surroundings. We can use such information in, say, creating artificial ecosystems that precisely mimic its natural home.

But where does marketing fit in all this? Just like the frogs we abduct, markets have examinable qualities that describe how it behaves in any given situation. Knowing these qualities is no helpful in terms of finding opportunities.

In this Business 2 Community article, David Cameron Gikandi offers a guide of 11 characteristics you could find in a market with high potentials.

#1 Size.

The bigger the market size, the better.

#2 Urgency.

The more urgently people need the products in that market, the better. For example, pet rocks have no urgency, but medication does.

#3 Speed to market.

The faster you can go from getting the initial idea to beginning to make sales, the better.

#4 High pricing potential.

The higher you can charge per product, the better.

#5 Low cost of acquiring new customers.

The easier and cheaper it is to get new customers, the better.

#6 Low cost and ease of delivering.

The cheaper and easier it is to deliver your product, the better.

#7 Uniqueness.

The more unique your product is (or how you deliver it, or how you package it), the better.

#8 Low upfront investment.

The fewer resources you need to test the market, build the business and get started, the better.

#9 Back-end and up-sell potential.

The more related products you can sell to your existing clients, the better. You don’t want to go into business whereby you can only sell one product one time to each customer and then that’s it. There is no growth potential there. You need to be able to repeatedly sell the same customer.

#10 Evergreen potential.

The easier it is to continue selling and selling once in business, the better. For example, a product that can be sold forever, like toilet paper or cooking oil, is better than one that is sold just once, like pet rocks.

#11 Addressability.

The easier it is to reach and communicate with your market, the better. For example, does your market congregate in “pools” like mailing lists or radio stations or places you can get access to?

By understanding this, we can create a lead generation strategy that will work.

What B2B Marketers MUST know about Honesty

What B2B Marketers MUST know about Honesty

For B2B marketers wanting to improve their demand generation efforts, listen up. There’s a lot to consider in the recent controversy involving NBC’s Brian Williams. The 55-year-old poster boy for debonair journalism has come under fire after an episode of Nightly News where he said he fabricated an on-location Iraq War report.

This was later contradicted by people who were with him when the helicopter they boarded was forced to land after taking a “hit” from an RPG. Call it a deception of memory, but Williams’ obscure February 4 apology has directed public attention towards a string of other fabricated observations in his past reportage. One can only imagine the negative impact on Williams’ reputation.

Honesty is the best policy

By now, you want to know the significance of this issue to B2B lead generation and appointment setting.

First of all, in order to drive leads, you first consider the type of inbound strategies that generate demand. You can produce stories, testimonials, case studies, visual resources, webinars and videos in order to seize audience attention.

But ever since the social media revolution, buyers (especially in the B2B market) treat content beyond their face value.

“Organizations couldn’t hide things from us, and if they did they’d get caught out quickly,” says Bite director Jon Silk in a blog post, “The power shifted towards the consumer, who demanded more from their interaction with brands. They wanted to be entertained. They wanted free stuff. They wanted a relationship.”

What he means to say is that customers want pure authenticity, and simply lying to their face just won’t cut it. Honesty and integrity, now, these are the virtues that produce real results and a strong brand image.

Trust and knowledge: A perfect combo

Silk outlines two other essentials: trust and knowledge-sharing. Focusing on both in your demand generation opens up a whole world of possibilities within the buying cycle. B2B buyers can gain a definite view of the value your products can achieve for them. They are able to provide you with the intelligence you need in developing better email and social media strategies that further enhance interest.

But again, honesty goes a long way. And if you don’t want to end up in a similar situation as Brian Williams, then make your communications authentic and reliable.


And if you want authentic and reliable B2B lead generation services, look for a multi-channel B2B marketing company with a debonair attitude towards driving demands and leads.

B2B Marketing Trends for 2015

B2B Marketing Trends for 2015

Today, the landscape of B2B market is in constant state of flux, making it crucial to keep track on the significant shifts of trends every day. But merely identifying these trends isn’t enough; marketers should identify which will give opportunity or threat to the business. And eventually find ways to maximize the opportunities and neutralize the threats.

We’re about to enter the 4th quarter of 2014, and 2015 is under way. Marketers should already start drafting their marketing plan that can adopt to 2015’s marketing matrix. In laying the foundation for their 2015 marketing strategy here are the trends to be considered.

Micro targeting

Marketers should focus on designing marketing strategies for small but are comparatively profitable subsets of the market. They should divide the target market into smaller segments with different needs and preferences. The marketing messages should be designed based on every segment’s attributes to emphasize the benefits of the product. Rather than the one-fits-all marketing, this approach is a lot more efficient because it allows marketers to deliver the right product with the right features to a certain segment that needs it.

Mobile Dominance

Global Smartphone use will reach 2 billion by 2015. This is the challenge to B2B marketers, to give a different digital experience to its target businesses. Of course inside every business are individuals who, outside their work, are consumers hoping for an improved digital experience. Marketers should start focusing on the mobile-optimization of their resources, especially websites.

Automated marketing

Then, we rely on manual calculation using historical data to project marketing direction. Now, we have integrated traditional marketing activities like customer management, email marketing, content management, search engine optimization, lead generation into holistic tools to intensify marketing efforts. B2B industry has lead to the usage of marketing automation tools. Such advancement increased lead conversion rates by more than 50%.

Quality Content

Marketers will become writers and publishers. More than their purpose of selling their product, they should also focus on the quality of their published contents. Aside from the grammatical value of the content, marketers should also focus on how compelling the content is to the reader.

More marketing trends will hit the mainstream culture of 2015, from marketing technology trends, evolving business structures, changing customer behavior, and a lot more aspects of B2B marketing. The market will keep on reshaping based on these ever-shifting trends. Marketers should use logical approaches partnered with innovative ideas to predict future movements of trends.

Source: Rock Content

Choosing Constructive KPIs The Ultimate B2B Marketing Criteria

Choosing Constructive KPIs: The Ultimate B2B Marketing Criteria

One of the many things modern business owners can be thankful of is accessibility to data. Countless analytics tools – both paid and free – are readily available for marketers who wish to determine the success of their businesses.

In the old days, managers and executives needed to scrimmage against piles of papers and charts to organize their business numbers. So we should be thankful we don’t need to do that anymore.

However, there is a disadvantage with this easy access to software tools. Sometimes, when we have too much data in front of us, we struggle to see which ones are really pivotal to business growth. When you look at the eye-scorching numbers on an Excel sheet, do you sometimes wonder what exactly all of these statistics do to help move your business forward?

This is where Key Performance Indicators (KPI) come in,” says Andrew Rogers, President and COO at

“Data, and its proper use, is the single biggest arbiter between business success and failure. If you aren’t managing your business based upon facts and figures, you’re not only sub-optimized, you’re likely headed for ruin,” he adds.

Below is a mini-guideline, proposed by Rogers, in considering which KPIs to be used in your business.


1)  What qualifies for KPI status?

  • It must be quantifiable: Often, companies will establish KPIs that they cannot accurately measure. If you can’t report on a KPI with absolute confidence, remove it until you’ve solved your data reporting challenge.
  • It should illuminate performance that is actionable: If a KPI doesn’t allow you to dig further and/or take corrective action, it isn’t worth including.
  • It needs to tie to initiatives that are core to your success: An easy question to ask when selecting KPIs is this: “If this indicator moved significantly in either direction, would it have a meaningful impact on the business?”. If the answer is “no”, move on.
  • It should have an established goal:  Simply identifying a numerical increase or decrease isn’t enough… it’s the magnitude that truly matters.  More importantly, the goal should also map to the overall company budget.

2)  How many KPIs are appropriate?

  • The fewer the better. Period. Most companies allow for KPI creep, whereby their KPI dashboard becomes a series of spreadsheets that create a “deep in the weeds” discussion, rather than a high level exercise of identifying areas of focus and action.

Read the full post at

Man shows gesture of a great idea

7 Elements of B2B Marketing Success in the IT Industry

For potential and existing customers to support your brand, you need to establish a solid branding mechanism that allows for a harmonious relationship between your business and the people it aims to serve. In the IT products and services industry, the challenge is greater; certain traits need to be mastered before momentum can be gained, whether in lead generation or appointment setting.

Here are 7 essential elements in conquering the IT world:

  1. Precision – As far as marketing is concerned, it is important that you send your message across in the clearest manner possible. And you also must do it with accuracy – IT people are fussy with details, so everything must be a bull’s-eye.
  2. Value – Pricing is usually non-negotiable, and packages are constant. The only thing that separates you from a buying prospect is value – the greatest rationale they would be looking for before they take out their wallets. If value is missing, especially in the stiff competition among IT products, you won’t have a clear edge.
  3. Partnership – During these modern times, it is not enough to simply sell something to your prospects. To be effective in B2B marketing in the IT industry, you have to work with your audience, study what they need, and together come up with the solutions that would benefit both sides.
  4. Connection – Now that you’ve ‘partnered’ with your audience in terms of business ties, you also need to connect at the emotional level. Your company needs to ascertain what your customers will expect from you. You have to build a foundation of trust and reliance – which should be both ways – so that your motivation to deliver would be strengthened.
  5. Aggressiveness –Observing buyer behavior, as well as emerging markets, will help you identify which business will be your competition. This will help you formulate countermeasures in the near future, especially as technology continues to evolve.
  6. Relevance – There must be a current demand for your products or services for you to be considered as relevant. Your B2B lead generation team will have a hard time closing deals if what you offer is not really what customers need right now. Again, you need to connect with them and identify their needs.
  7. Confidence – To exude confidence has two benefits: it helps marketers overcome their fears, and it also impresses prospects. There are a lot of predators in the infinite ocean of the IT industry, and if you lack confidence, others will eat you alive.