Utilize Customer Profiling and Buyer Personas to Achieve Revenue Goals

Utilize Customer Profiling and Buyer Personas to Achieve Revenue Goals

Are you targeting your best customers? If you are unsure of your answer, then you should do something about it.

Not all prospects are the same. Every company has its own ideal customer with different traits and characteristics. In order for you to achieve your goal, you must identify who your best customers are and find out how to reach out to them.

One of the challenges every B2B marketer is facing is understanding their buyers. Every business owner knows that it pays to profile a customer because understanding them is essential in the success of a business. But why is it important to utilize customer profiling and buyer personas?

The information you will gather when creating a buyer persona and customer profiling makes it easier to identify who your customers are and why they buy from you. Having an ideal customer enables every business to deliver the right product and target specific prospects based on their needs.  . When you know about your best prospects, it’s easier for you to find new ones, deliver the right product to the right people using the right channel and convert them into loyal customers. This creates a positive buying process.

So how do you profile your customers and create an ideal customer profile?

Step 1. Evaluate and Connect with Your Existing Customers

Get additional information by conducting an interview or a survey and ask them:

  • Why did they choose your company over your competitors?
  • How did they know about your company?
  • How did they become loyal customers?

Step 2. Define Who Your Customers Are based on the following:

  • Size of the company – small, medium and large businesses
  • Type of business – Industry
  • Geographic scope
  • Demographics – their age and gender
  • Behavior – their likes and dislikes

Related: A Need For Customer Profiling In Reaching Much Targeted Audience

Step 3. Locate Your Customers

Find what channel your customers are using, whether as email or social media. And ask yourself:

  • Where do they look for when buying something?
  • What do they search for online?

Related: How to Reach Prospects in Asia with Less Effort and 3x Results with Multi-Channel Marketing

Step 4. Understand your Customer’s Buying Process

  • Do they purchase right away?
  • Do they seek out referrals?
  • Can they decide or do they ask for approval before making a purchase?

Related: The Perfect Sales Process to Surefire Business Success

Now that you’ve identified your best customer, you can now create your own marketing strategy so you won’t waste time and resources on your marketing efforts anymore. Having your own buyer personas, you can reach new customers that will help you achieve your company’s revenue goals and take your business to the next level.