7 Inspiring Quotes from Famous Asian Entrepreneurs that Appointment Setters Should Live By

7 Inspiring Quotes from Famous Asian Entrepreneurs that Appointment Setters Should Live By

Appointment setting may seem a comfy job, but very challenging. To keep a steady momentum, one should have self-motivation – something that would add excitement to “do”, and “learn” things.

Below are 7 inspiring quotes from famous Asian entrepreneurs that an Appointment Setter should live by:

Yoshikazu Tanaka Quote

“I think the number one advice I can give is – you just have to start it. Just get your feet in the water and do it. I learned a lot from just trying it out.” – Yoshikazu Tanaka, GREE

A cup of coffee and happy thoughts will energize your mind and body to go through the day’s work.

Pull up all your online resources and prepare materials before you start calling: phoneheadsets, and campaign script. Not to forget, proactively ask your Team Leader for any new instruction or update. A quick chat will spice up your mood.

02 Le hong Minh Quote

“You need to love your work, and work hard at it…Constantly ask yourself, what is the most important thing to you right now.” – Le hong Minh, VNG

Love your work – it’ll show in the numbers

A 180 – 230 calls quota every day is haunting. If that seems huge, lighten up by breaking it down into smaller fractions of 25 – 30 calls/hour. You’ll surely be able to keep up with your other quotas for the day, and rid yourself of heart attack.

Related: 3 Sales Tips to Get Your Reps Reach for the Numbers

03 Firdhaus Akber Quote

“Why be so concerned about failure? If you fall down, pick yourself up and try again. Just keep trying, there’s no one who will fail forever.” – Firdhaus Akber, Streetdirectory

“Failure” should never be capitalized.

If you didn’t get any appointments yesterday, do a quick reboot in 3 easy ways:

  • Check your “follow-ups”, callback the warmest prospects
  • Review your “sent” folder to be sure that prospects who requested for information have been sent reference materials to
  • Lastly, delight yourself in the idea that prospects who declined an appointment with you yesterday are likely to say yes today. So grab all the chances that the day brings.

Related: Searching for a New Hope in Lead Generation? Take it from Star Wars Stormtroopers

04 Masayoshi Son Quote

“Do not be bound by this age; aim to create a new age that will delight people throughout the world.” – Masayoshi Son, Softbank

Are your current skills not enough to improve your performance metrics? Well, your team’s will likely be the same if you don’t do something.

Get yourself some skills makeover in 3 simple steps:  

  • Learn new knowledge by submitting yourself to up-trainings
  • Solicit feedback from leaders and colleagues to collaborate with your calling techniques.
  • Empower yourself with Positivity – turn “bad calls” into subjects for learning, and the “good calls” into knowledge and experience. 
05 Sachin and Binny Bansal Quote

“The core of any business is to earn money. You have not done your job well until you find a stranger who is willing to open his/her wallet to give you money for the services/products that you are offering.” – Sachin and Binny Bansal, Flipkart

We work for money – that’s a practical truth, but I’d like to add “value” to it.

Appointment setters may have to get through some incredulous gatekeepers in order to speak with about 40 decision-makers in a day. Out of the 40 Dms, 1 may get very interested and say “yes” to a meeting.

Good job! You might ask why the commendation.

Think not of how many prospects you spoke with today just to book 1 appointment, instead look at the value of adding business to your patron’s list by just booking 1 prospect.

06 Terry Gou Quote

“I never think I am successful, If I am successful, then I am retired.” – Terry Gou, Foxconn

Do more, think less.

Book as many appointments until the end of the shift, and do the same in the following days. The number of appointments you could get today may differ from tomorrow’s or the next day, so it is best to bank into your performance metrics at your energy peak.

Do not resolve yourself in the idea of success for a day’s work only, if you do, complacency will sink in and performance density will be lost. 

07 Lee Kuan Yew Quote

“Life is not just eating, drinking, television and cinema. The human mind must be creative, must be self-generating; it cannot depend on just gadgets to amuse itself.” – Lee Kuan Yew, PM, Singapore

It’s amazing how technology has evolved: self-driving cars, smartwatches, and drones dancing to Beethoven’s “Symphony No.5.(Huffington Post). Many businesses have joined in, keeping up with the competition through automation by advancing technologies in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), nurturing tools, and integrated dialers. By the way, none of those new inventions were self-made; and the dancing drones were controlled by the Intel Corp tech ground crew.

That simply tells us that we ought to interminably learn new knowledge, acquire skills, and innovate bigger ideas to run on life’s daily demands. 

Let this be your marketing guide in venturing into business this 2021!

As an appointment setter, or whatever course you’re maybe in now, you have to set the best goals, “do” things, and “learn new knowledge”, in order to get favorable results and combat adversities.

As the old Chinese proverb says, “The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.”